About Me

My Story

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Passion for design

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Working with WordPress

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How do you work?

My Workflow

My development process comprises a meticulously curated series of essential steps, each vital for ensuring the delivery of impeccable work.

See the process laid out 

Step #1 Initial Consultation

This is where we will discuss your business, target audience, and goals for the project overall.

Step #2 Custom Proposal & Strategy

We will outline the scope of work, timeframe and deliverables in a proposal custom to you. To then conduct analysis of your competitors to put together a brand strategy and website strategy.

Step #3 Design & Build

Define the sites structure, navigation, features and design, so then the site can be built on the chosen platform and get ready to launch.

What do I use?


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Common Questions?


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Does my business need a website?

In today’s digital era, where people spend significant time online, your website serves as a powerful tool to attract and engage potential customers, driving consistent traffic and revenue for your business round-the-clock. Investing in a responsive and functional website is essential for scaling your business to new heights.

How long does it typically take to complete a website project from start to finish?
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What is SEO for websites?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of optimizing a website to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results. Essentially, it involves making strategic changes to the website’s content, structure, and other elements to ensure it appears higher up in search engine results pages (SERPs) when people search for relevant keywords or phrases.

Just like how you might want your shop to be located on a busy street rather than a hidden alley, SEO aims to make your website more prominent and easily discoverable by search engines like Google. By implementing SEO techniques, businesses can attract more organic traffic to their websites, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive more conversions and sales.